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Jim Duke | Author

Through the Looking Ass [Video]

Through the Looking Ass

"Why do you keep such ugly beasts",
it's often asked of me.
"Why not have one horse at least,
so beautiful, wild, and free."

It seems so plain, so obvious,
how could I feel ill-fated?
To surround myself with the very best
that ever were created.

A friendship now days known by few,
the very best companions.
Contented just to pack us through
the mountains, plains, and canyons.

It seems forever, more or less,
he's shouldered mankind's loads
And brought us through the wilderness
with little use for roads.

And while I'm no religious man,
it must show good behavior
To be chosen as delivery van
and guardian of the savior.

He provides us with solutions
for problems yet uncounted,
But his greatest contributions
are not when he is mounted.

When you gaze upon a grazing jack,
you may see a lowly ass.
You can be sure he's looking back
'neath the guise of nibbling grass.

He wears the perfect poker face,
he is what you impose.
But while you stand there, heels in place,
he's always on his toes.

Unknowing eyes will think they feast
upon a silly creature.
A simple, strange, and awkward beast
without redeeming feature.

Those that are demanding
will find his every fault
And take each patient standing
as a personal assault.

If then they try to use some force
and find he can't be budged,
He’s judged the wrong end of a horse,
themselves correctly judged.

But patient, understanding eyes
might find a lifelong friend
One to trust when hard times rise,
one to count on to the end.

So, if you see a lowly ass,
then that's just what he'll be
When viewing nature's looking glass,
you are just what you see.